Nexus SafetyNexus SafetyNexus Safety
Ground Floor, Maksons Plaza,
Parklands Road, Nairobi
+254 736 333 336/0705945 575

About us

Our Mission

Is to keep you safe with our slogan “safety first” In doing so, we seek to ensure that: All products and services provided are of the highest standard .

Our Vision

To be the leading providers of safety products in East Africa, delivering quality products and services that are suitable for the region, effective and environmentally sustainable.

Our Values

These core values reflect what is truly important to us as an organization.
about us

Who we are

Nexus Safety Ltd is a Kenyan company headquartered in Kenya, specializing in health and safety equipment and systems. Nexus Safety Ltd core business is centered around supply of safety products and solutions the following market sectors :

  • Mining
  • Oil & Gas
  • Food & Beverage
  • Industrial & Heavy Manufacturing

With fully trained and certified technical personnel, and in -house engineering expertise, Nexus Safety Ltd is able to design, implement a wide variety of customized safety solutions for any application. The company is an industry leader, representing some of the world’s top brands in life safety equipment, providing full design, technical support, calibration and repair services.


Call  at any time +254 736 333 336 or 0705 945 575


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Why choose us

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Nairobi, Kenya
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)